The pool should be cleaned of factory dirt and any adhesive residues before first use. This can be done with a process called “shock cleaning”, which is as follows:
- Fill the water, but do not heat it.
- Add 50 g of Alga-Shock P per cubic metre of water (50 g = 3 tablespoons of the chemical dissolved in a bucket of water and then added to the pool water).
- Move the water with the built-in elements. This will clean the pipe networks and mix the chemical better.
- To allow Alga-Shock P to take effect, let the water stand for 2 hours and then drain off the entire volume of water.
- You can then fill your pool with fresh water and the disinfectant of your choice.
Our algae elimination products are available on the link below: Chlorine Based Disinfection
Pool treatment products are usually sensitive to the chemistry of the water. There is a range in which they can best exert their disinfecting, flocculating or algae-preventing action. The human body is also sensitive to extremely acidic and alkaline conditions. For these reasons, the optimum pH for bathing water is 7.2 – 7.4. Sometimes pool water does not stay at this value, so it is important to check and adjust the pH regularly! We recommend using a dipstick, which you can dip directly into the hot tub to find out the pH of the hot tub in 1 minute.
The most common problem is that a few days after refilling, the pH increases.
Recommendation: Dinax Minus P
Dosage: for 1 m³ of water, 100 g of Dinax Minus P is needed to reduce the pH by 1.
Occasionally the pH will drop, in which case you will need to increase the level to between 7.2 and 7.4.
Proposal: Dinax Plus P
Dosage: 1 pH increase for 1 m³ of hot tub water requires 100 g of Dinax Plus P.
Our pH control products are available on the link below: pH control