The LONGLIFE range of products disinfects, adjusts pH, flocculates, and treats algae in bathing, spa, and thermal waters, i.e., provides complex water treatment without changing the composition of the water’s medicinal substances! These substances are also used in places where chlorine cannot be used under any circumstances, such as waters with a high ammonium or organic content, which, if treated with chlorine, would produce carcinogenic substances. The long-term positive effects of LONGLIFE products are proven by the experience of several large hotel chains and thermal spas throughout Europe.



The LONGLIFE Chlorine Free Disinfection product range consists of patented disinfectant liquids with a much higher stability than hydrogen peroxide, because they contain additional components that increase effectiveness. They are specifically recommended for the treatment of wellness facilities, competition pools, and baby/children’s swimming pools. Uniquely, they do not alter the composition of the spa water, so they can also be used to disinfect drain and fill pools.


Although the effectiveness of chlorine-free disinfectants is not affected by pH, keeping the pH within the range of 7.2-7.4 is an essential part of bathing water treatment. High pH levels can lead to a strong increase in the tendency to scale, and pH levels above 7.8 or below 6.8 can irritate bathers’ skin. Therefore, LONGLIFE Chlorine-free pH-boosting and pH-reducing solutions ensure an optimal pH value and, thus, an enjoyable bathing experience in public pools, spas and private pools.


Tiny, microscopic impurities in pool water, although invisible to the naked eye, cause the water to become opaque in larger quantities, making it hard to see the bottom of the pool. To ensure crystal-clear, sparkling pool water, these impurities can be converted by flocculants into filterable flakes, which in this state are large enough to be bound to the filter media. LONGLIFE’s chlorine-free flocculants help to keep the pool water cleaner and clearer even when disinfectants are used.


Algae are plant microorganisms that provide a breeding ground for bacteria. When they proliferate, they first cause aesthetic problems. If not treated properly, the water, which initially appears cloudy and greenish, can later turn into a stringy, lumpy, or even gelatinous substance floating in the water, which can be physically disturbing. In addition to the direct health risks posed by algae, the main danger of algae growth is that the algae consume the disinfectant, allowing the growth of truly dangerous bacteria. LONGLIFE Chlorine Free Algaecides prevent algae growth by reducing the phosphate content of the water, ensuring crystal clear, healthy water.